As part of Men’s Health Awareness Month, Rock My Bow Tie, a designer and purveyor of trendy men’s bow ties, announced a new partnership with Tommy John Wear and the Testicular Cancer Foundation (TCF) urging men everywhere to “Support Your Balls” during the month of November.

Since the bow tie is a man’s accessory, Rock My Bow Tie decided it was appropriate that testicular cancer – also typically a man-related thing – would be an ideal philanthropic focus.

So for the month of November, Rock My Bow Tie and Tommy John Wear both developed “mustache-themed” apparel lines and will donate a portion of the proceeds to promote testicular cancer awareness through cash donations to the Testicular Cancer Foundation

Since Tommy John’s underwear literally “supports your balls” on a daily basis, the trendy men’s undergarment company decided to take that support a step further this month by developing a limited edition Second Skin Mustache Collection. Five percent of the proceeds from this collection will benefit the Testicular Cancer Foundation.

Like Tommy John Wear, Rock My Bow Tie developed a customized mustache themed bow tie to accompany Tommy John’s “Second-Skin” mustache collection. Rock My Bow Tie Mustache Bow Tie – 
“To help support the Testicular Cancer research and awareness, we decided to donate twenty percent of proceeds from these trendy navy blue and red mustache bow ties to the Testicular Cancer Foundation,” said Cris Dorman Co-Founder of Rock My Bow Tie. “For the month of November, the bowties sell for only $20 a piece! All Rock My Bow Tie ties are afford-ably priced at $25.”

Additionally, Rock My Bow Tie designed a bow tie designed specifically for the Testicular Cancer Foundation. One hundred percent of the proceeds for this custom tie will go to the TCF.

“As a testicular cancer survivor, I can honestly say I feel lucky to be alive. If not for early detection and seeking medical advice immediately, it is quite possible I wouldn’t be here today. Spreading the word about self-detection is the key to increasing the survival rate of this indiscriminate disease and we feel the Testicular Cancer Foundation is a great partner in this regard.”
-Weston Sedgwick, Rock My Bow Tie Co-Founder

Testicular cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in men ages 15 – 35. It’s not known what causes testicular cancer, however it has the best prognosis of any cancer if detected early. Most often, testicular cancer is discovered by patients themselves and is described as a painless or uncomfortable lump in the testicle. The shower is a great place to check, and it is recommended that men check at least once month. If testicular cancer is found before it spreads, it is almost always curable.

Both companies are encouraging customers to spread the movement through social media with the through their #Supportyourballs campaign. You can qualify to win a pair of @TommyJohnWear underwear or a bow tie from @rockmybowtie by following on Instagram or Twitter and posting a picture with the hashtag #Supportyourballs.

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Media contact: Cris Dorman at Brandrenew PR (cris(at)brandrenewpr(dot)com, 317.440.1898)